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B.Sc. Textile & Fashion Designing

At Pachamuthu College for Women we provide a safe learning environment which fosters positive interactions between staff and students, encourages parental and community involvement and ultimately gives the comfort that brings significant Academic achievement.

Admission Details

Cognitive theorists state that strong education comes from a secure learning environment which nurtures the psychological and cognitive stimulus of a learner.

At Pachamuthu College for Women we provide a safe learning environment which fosters positive interactions between staff and students, encourages parental and community involvement and ultimately gives the comfort that brings significant Academic achievement.

Safety Measures on Campus

Safety plays an important role in every educational sector. At PMC we know that every Pupil is part of the ethical framework for more than a decade. We take safety and security very seriously which is evident from the very moment you step into the college. From the time a student enters the college bus and with separate bell system for attendance check for Day scholars and Residents to a One entry and One exit system, every movement of the students are tracked to the minute.  We also have a well-Knit security guard system which tracks each and every student and ensures their safety when on Campus. With an unfailing digitally assisted CCTV surveillance we can track and trace every transaction of students. We take fire safety very seriously and with that in mind all our corridors throughout the campus are provided with Fire extinguishers and we have systematic and regular fire drills for our students.

  • We have a well-planned and constructed gated Campus
  • A network of Hawk – eyed security personals
  • Digitally assisted security and CCTV surveillance
  • Enhanced mentoring system – A well-developed Mentoring system with a 1: 10 Mentor student ratio addresses every concern of the student
  • Anti-bullying and Ragging squads

All Students at our College have a right to a safe working and learning environment. For your safety, we have enforced collective agreements, health, safety, security and dispute resolution policies and procedures. These policies and procedures apply to all college activities, services, and facilities.

Students have access to excellent medical care with Transportation to and from doctor’s appointments can be arranged. Our College is tied up with a multi facility hospitals within a 5 Kilometre radius.


Pachamuthu College has adopted the Semester Cum Choice-Based Credit System. At the undergraduate level the curriculum is for three years. At the postgraduate level the curriculum is for two years for all courses.


We follow Semester System, each year is divided into two semesters. The duration of the semester is 15 weeks with six working days per week. From the third week of June to the second week of November are the ODD Semesters and from the third week of November to the end of April are the EVEN Semesters.


Our College aims to provide a holistic approach to learning and has well structured Co-Curricular Activities which help shape attitude, personality strong leadership and competitive spirit in our students. The following programmes are available on a choice-based system

  • Enviro Club
  • Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)
  • Forum for Women Students
  • NSS
  • Students Union
  • Indoor Sports Arena
  • Vocational Courses – Tailoring, Embroidery, Beautician Course, Jewellery making

Scope for B.Sc. Textile & Fashion Designing

Completing a B.Sc. in Textile and Fashion Designing opens up a wide range of opportunities in the textile and fashion industry. The scope of work for someone with this degree can include roles in design, production, marketing, and management. Here are some potential areas of work:

  1. Fashion Designer:
    • Create original clothing, accessories, and footwear designs.
    • Stay updated with fashion trends and develop collections for different seasons.
    • Collaborate with manufacturers, patternmakers, and other professionals to bring designs to life.
  2. Textile Designer:
    • Design patterns, prints, and textures for fabrics used in clothing, home furnishings, and other textiles.
    • Work with different types of fabrics, colors, and techniques to create unique designs.
    • Collaborate with textile mills and manufacturers to produce the designed fabrics.
  3. Apparel Merchandiser:
    • Coordinate between design, production, and sales teams to ensure products are developed and delivered on time.
    • Analyze market trends to identify popular styles and develop product strategies.
  4. Fashion Illustrator:
    • Create visual representations of fashion designs using traditional and digital illustration techniques.
    • Convey design ideas and concepts to clients, manufacturers, and team members.
  5. Pattern Maker:
    • Develop patterns and templates used for creating garments.
    • Ensure accurate fit and proportions of clothing items.
  6. Fashion Stylist:
    • Select and coordinate outfits, accessories, and hairstyles for fashion shoots, runway shows, and individual clients.
    • Stay updated with fashion trends to provide styling advice.
  7. Product Developer:
    • Oversee the process of taking fashion designs from concept to production.
    • Work with manufacturers to ensure designs are translated accurately into finished products.
  8. Textile Technologist:
    • Research and develop new textiles, fabrics, and materials.
    • Test and analyze fabrics for quality, durability, and performance.
  9. Fashion Blogger/Influencer:
    • Share fashion tips, trends, and personal style through blogs and social media platforms.
    • Collaborate with brands and fashion companies for promotions and partnerships.
  10. Costume Designer:
  • Create costumes for theater, film, television, and other performances.
  • Interpret characters and settings to design appropriate costumes.
  1. Fashion Buyer:
  • Select and purchase clothing and accessories for retail stores or online platforms.
  • Analyze consumer trends and preferences to make informed buying decisions.
  1. Fashion Marketing and PR:
  • Develop marketing campaigns to promote fashion brands and products.
  • Coordinate events, fashion shows, and PR activities to enhance brand visibility.
  1. Entrepreneur/Designer Brand Owner:
  • Start your own fashion label or brand, designing and selling your creations.
  • Manage all aspects of the business, from design to production to marketing.
  1. Textile Quality Control Specialist:
  • Ensure that textiles and fabrics meet quality standards through testing and inspection.
  1. Fashion Educator/Instructor:
  • Teach fashion and textile design in educational institutions or private classes.

Remember that the scope of work can vary based on your skills, interests, and the opportunities available in your region. Continuous learning, networking, and staying up-to-date with industry trends will help you excel in your chosen career path.

Admission Procedure

Candidates for admission to the first year of the three-year degree course should have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination or any other equivalent thereto accepted by the Syndicate, Periyar University – Salem.

  • All candidates should present Original Transfer Certificate from the Institution they last attended
  • Candidates from other states should produce Eligibility Certificate from Periyar University – Salem
  • Candidates from other countries shall produce Migration Certificate and also Recognition Certificate from Periyar University – Salem.
  • A student admitted after the beginning of a term should pay the whole fee for the term
  • Students who are found to have obtained admission by producing false documents will be summarily dismissed with forfeiture of all fees paid
  • If a student, who has duly paid her fees, leaves the college, she will be furnished with a Transfer Certificate on application
  • Separate quotas are available for Physically Challenged and Sports personals (Priority for National Level and State Level).


 Every student is required to observe disciplined and decorous behaviour both inside and outside the Campus and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the prestige of the College.

  • If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the End Semester theory / practical examination, she shall be liable for punitive action as prescribed from time to time.
  • Students enrolled at our College must recognize their responsibilities towards the faculty, office staff and fellow students. Failure to maintain appropriate standards of conduct will attract disciplinary action.
  • The College believes that duty, decorum and discipline are the hallmarks of a good student. Students with such qualities alone can prove to be productive manpower with an appreciable value system. Therefore, erring students would be subjected to certain disciplinary code.
  • The following acts, would be deemed to be acts of indiscipline – any overt or covert act leading to ragging and eve teasing, disruption of class room activities or disturbing the studies of other students.
  • Harming the health or safety of staff or students
  • Misconduct during examination, production of false information or documents for admission purpose

Above all we aim to offer education to all students with the necessary skills and abilities, regardless of age, background or financial circumstances.

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